- A Critical Review of Dilruba Z. Ara’s Stories by Prof. Claes-Göran Holmberg, published in Daily Star, Dhaka – August 12, 2013
- The Theft – published in Daily Star, July 27, 2013 Dhaka http://www.thedailystar.net/beta2/news/the- theft/#.UfLNaacsnVc.facebook
- Detached Belonging is added to students’ website / English Department/ Södertörn University/ Stockholm/ Sweden. January – 2013
- “La Lista de Ofensas” (Spanish version of A List of Offences) added to Law Faculty’s home page. Ecuador University. November – 2012, South America.(Source: http://blogs.udla.edu.ec/lecturasestudiantesderecho/?s=La+lista+de+offences
- A List of Offences has been selected as one of the subjects for masters thesis topic by the department of English / Stockholm, Södertörn University – College. August -2012
- The Mosque-Yard is republished in Democratic World Magazine India. May 2012
- Electronic version of A List of Offences is published on Kindle. April, 2012
- A List of Offences is chosen to be a part of translation project at Sharjah University/ UAE, 2011
- SMS (poem) published in Kirtya a journal of poetry/India 2011
- Guest lecturer at World Literature Course, Lund University, February /2011/ Lund/ Sweden
- · The Theft and The Frame (included as course material at Lund University masters course) 2011
- · The Voice of a Cow (short story) Published in Asia Writes/ India 2010.
- Fan Letter from NewYork Literary Agent Nat Sobel. July 28, 09. He’d read Detached Belonging in Chattahoochee Review
- A List of Offences hits the top ten parade in Uruguay together with Kite Runner and Thousand Splendid Suns. February/2009
Source: Editorial Océano del Uruguay/ Uruguay February/ 2009
- Guest lecturer at World Literature Course, Lund University
February /2010/ Lund/ Sweden
- The Mosque-Yard Imam, Light and War Child included as course material at Lund University. Comparative literature/ Masters Course
- Dilruba attended International Book Fair in Salonica to promote Greek version of A List of Offences. 29 May – 1 June /2008 /Salonica/Greece
- The Mosque-Yard Imam Published in The Shipwrights Review/ Malmö University.2008
- Detached Belonging (short story) Republished in Chattahoochee Review/ USA. 2008
- Affection(short story) published in Drunken Boat/ USA, 2008
- Chaired World Literature Day at Staffanstorp library
23 April / 2007/ Staffanstorp/ Sweden
- Chief guest on International Mother Language day at GSC head office.
21 February 2007, London/ UK
- Chief guest at the Literary Salon – Conference on Post colonial Literature,
Södertörn, University – College. Extract from A List of Offences is read aloud
and discussed in an open penal. 27-30 April 2007/ Stockholm/Sweden
- Translation work: Selected Short Stories of Shahed Ali: Published by UPL, 2006
- Detached Belonging (short story) anthologised in ‘From the Delta’,
Dhaka 2005/ Dhaka Bangladesh